Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution
environmental pollution largely caused by tanganmanusia. Water and soil pollution is pollution that occurs in waters sepertisungai, times, lakes, oceans, groundwater, and so on. While soil pollution is pollution that occurs on land in both urban and desa.Alam have the ability to restore the water that has been contaminated by natural purification process of purification or by way of purification of soil, sand, rocks and micro-organisms present in nature around us. The number of very massive pollution of the man made not natural mampumengembalikan to its original condition. Nature becomes lost the ability to purify the pollution occurred. Trash and substances like plastics, DDT, detergents environmentally unfriendly dansebagainya will further aggravate the condition of the natural destruction that were increasingly growing parah.Sebab Environmental Pollution in Water and Soil: 1. Erosion and rainfall tinggi.2. Waste of human waste from homes or residential penduduk.3. Chemicals from the home location of the population, agriculture, industry, and sebagainya.Salah one cause of water pollution in the most famous is the result of chemical eradication of pests penggunaanzat DDT. DDT is used by farmers to repel pests that attack land danmembunuh pertanian.DDT not only pests but also affect other animals are nearby dah even in very far though due process rantaimakanan flow from one animal to other animals that accumulate substances DDT. Dengandemikian all animals that are on the food chain will be contaminated by DDTtermasuk on manusia.DDT which has entered into the body's fat-soluble, so the body of pollutants akanmenjadi the day center will accumulate to cause fewer side effects menakutkan.Akibat the biological magnification / enlargement yangdisebabkan biological organisms by the use of D

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